Find the Limit Performance was established in 2023 by Brayden Skrine with the purpose of developing a racecar and educating others on how to do the same. His background in racecar development was started on the Formula SAE team at Colorado School of Mines, along with most other members. The process of building a fully-fledged racecar in spare time and on a limited budget is no easy feat, but it is one that we are passionate about, and one that we are passionate about sharing with others. 
Brayden Skrine
Team Lead
Brayden graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in 2021 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.  While at Mines, he partcipated in Formula SAE for 4 years, eventually holding the position of Aerodynamics Lead.  Brayden is currently employed as an Applications Engineer at Nordson Medical in Windsor, Colorado.  His hobbies include reading, racing, and games with friends.
Kyle Moosburger
Business Lead​​​​​​​
Kyle started developing an obsession with speed from a young age starting with his dad's first car, a 1974 BWM 2002. He got an accounting degree from MSU Denver just to finance his crazy ideas. He traded his right arm for his dream car, a 1983 Audi Quattro. Car collector, mechanic if it has a motor, speed addict.
Alex Edwards
System Architect
Alex's motorsport background began on the Formula SAE team at Colorado School of Mines, where he served as the 2022 lead engineer. His expertise lies in CAD modeling and chassis design. He earned his degree in mechanical engineering and is now employed at Lockheed Martin Space, working as a structural design engineer. He is a fan of Formula 1 and technology. 
"Anyone can build a racecar, but it takes an engineer to barely build a racecar." -Unknown
Lee Begin
Aerodynamics Specialist
Lee's passion for cars started as a result of his daily ride to pre-school in the carseat of his dad's SAAB 900 Turbo. Throughout high school he worked odd jobs to scrape together $2500 to buy a '91 Mustang GT where he taught himself to "drive"... arguably. In his 4 years on the Mines formula team he was a driver, lead aerodynamics engineer, and rebuilt engines. He now works for Halliburton as a field engineer, and is always browsing Facebook and Craigslist for cars with the money he should probably put towards a down payment on a home.
Nicholas Novack
General Engineer
Nick taught himself to work on cars after purchasing a 1991 BMW 318i. He studied at Colorado School of Mines and held several roles on the Formula SAE team. He completed degrees in mechanical engineering and metallurgical engineering, and now works as a research and development engineer in the composites industry. He enjoys fixing old bicycles and camping.
John Oldland
General Engineer​​​​​​​
John studied mechanical engineering and physics at Colorado School of Mines. While there, he worked as a part of the Formula SAE team on suspension and aerodynamics systems. In addition to his work with design, automation, and analysis, he has extensive experience with a wide variety of manufacturing processes from CNC machining to composite layups. He has developed automated manufacturing equipment, designed customer products, and is currently a manufacturing engineer in the amusement ride industry. He wears orange shoes and likes anything that goes fast.
Sam Nichols
General Engineer​​​​​​​
Sam received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. He gained a variety of race car engineering experience from 6 years of Formula SAE involvement. After working in the composites manufacturing industry for 3 years, Sam now works as a contractor for NASA where he designs components for spaceflight science instruments. He enjoys tinkering on anything with wheels.
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